Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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* SCCS: @(#)iset.c 1.2 11/2/84 14:18:23
* Decode instructions.
* This software is copyright of
* John M Collins
* 47 Cedarwood Drive
* St Albans
* Herts, AL4 0DN
* England +44 727 57267
* and is released into the public domain on the following conditions:
* 1. No free maintenance will be guaranteed.
* 2. Nothing may be based on this software without
* acknowledgement, including incorporation of this
* notice.
* Notwithstanding the above, the author welcomes correspondence and bug
* fixes.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <a.out.h>
#include <ldfcn.h>
#include "unc.h"
ef_fids mainfile;
long endt;
void gette(), putte();
void mkdref();
long gettw();
symbol textlab();
int l1(), l2(), el1(), lea(), lmove(), lcbch(), jj();
int limed(), lsbit(), lmvml(), lone(), loone(), lonew(), lonel();
int pmove(), pcbch(), pdbcc(), pscc(), pcs(), pmovc(), pstop(), pexg();
int pimed(), pmovp(), psbit(), pdbit(), pcs2(), pone(), ppea();
int plea(), pdreg(), pmvml(), ptrap(), plink(), pareg(), podreg();
int pqu(), pmqu(), ptreg(), pcmpm(), pomode(), pmshf(), pshf();
struct opstr {
unsigned short mask;
unsigned short match;
int (*opsize)();
int (*opprin)();
char *prarg;
} optab[] = {
0xf000, 0x2000, lmove, pmove, ".l",
0xf000, 0x3000, lmove, pmove, ".w",
0xf000, 0x1000, lmove, pmove, ".b",
0xf000, 0x6000, lcbch, pcbch, 0,
0xffbf, 0x003c, l2, pcs, "or",
0xff00, 0x0000, limed, pimed, "or",
0xffbf, 0x023c, l2, pcs, "and",
0xff00, 0x0200, limed, pimed, "and",
0xff00, 0x0400, limed, pimed, "sub",
0xff00, 0x0600, limed, pimed, "add",
0xffbf, 0x0a3c, l2, pcs, "eor",
0xff00, 0x0a00, limed, pimed, "eor",
0xff00, 0x0c00, limed, pimed, "cmp",
0xf138, 0x0108, l2, pmovp, 0,
0xff00, 0x0800, lsbit, psbit, 0,
0xf100, 0x0100, lonew, pdbit, 0,
0xffc0, 0x40c0, lonew, pcs2, "sr",
0xff00, 0x4000, lone, pone, "negx",
0xff00, 0x4200, lone, pone, "clr",
0xffc0, 0x44c0, lonew, pcs2, "cc",
0xff00, 0x4400, lone, pone, "neg",
0xffc0, 0x46c0, lonew, pcs2, "sr",
0xff00, 0x4600, lone, pone, "not",
0xffc0, 0x4800, lonew, ppea, "nbcd",
0xfff8, 0x4840, l1, pdreg, "swap.w",
0xffc0, 0x4840, lonel, ppea, "pea",
0xfff8, 0x4880, l1, pdreg, "ext.w",
0xfff8, 0x48c0, l1, pdreg, "ext.l",
0xfb80, 0x4880, lmvml, pmvml, 0,
0xffc0, 0x4ac0, lonew, ppea, "tas",
0xff00, 0x4a00, lone, pone, "tst",
0xfff0, 0x4e40, l1, ptrap, 0,
0xfff8, 0x4e50, l2, plink, 0,
0xfff8, 0x4e58, l1, pareg, "unlk\t%s",
0xfff8, 0x4e60, l1, pareg, "mov.l\t%s,%%usp",
0xfff8, 0x4e68, l1, pareg, "mov.l\t%%usp,%s",
0xffff, 0x4e70, l1, pareg, "reset",
0xffff, 0x4e71, l1, pareg, "nop",
0xffff, 0x4e72, l2, pstop, 0,
0xffff, 0x4e73, el1, pareg, "rte",
0xffff, 0x4e75, el1, pareg, "rts",
0xffff, 0x4e76, l1, pareg, "trapv",
0xffff, 0x4e77, el1, pareg, "rtr",
0xfffe, 0x4e7a, l2, pmovc, 0,
0xffc0, 0x4e80, jj, ppea, "jsr",
0xffc0, 0x4ec0, jj, ppea, "jmp",
0xf1c0, 0x4180, lonew, podreg,"chk",
0xf1c0, 0x41c0, lonel, plea, 0,
0xf0f8, 0x50c8, lcbch, pdbcc, 0,
0xf0c0, 0x50c0, lonew, pscc, 0,
0xf100, 0x5000, lone, pqu, "add",
0xf100, 0x5100, lone, pqu, "sub",
0xf100, 0x7000, l1, pmqu, 0,
0xf1c0, 0x80c0, lonew, podreg,"divu",
0xf1c0, 0x81c0, lonew, podreg,"divs",
0xf1f0, 0x8100, l1, ptreg, "sbcd",
0xf000, 0x8000, loone, pomode,"or",
0xf1f0, 0x9100, l1, ptreg, "subx.b",
0xf1f0, 0x9140, l1, ptreg, "subx.w",
0xf1f0, 0x9180, l1, ptreg, "subx.l",
0xf000, 0x9000, loone, pomode,"sub",
0xf1f8, 0xb108, l1, pcmpm, "cmp.b", /* CMPM */
0xf1f8, 0xb148, l1, pcmpm, "cmp.w", /* CMPM */
0xf1f8, 0xb188, l1, pcmpm, "cmp.l", /* CMPM */
0xf100, 0xb000, loone, pomode,"cmp",
0xf1c0, 0xb1c0, loone, pomode,"cmp",
0xf100, 0xb100, loone, pomode,"eor",
0xf1c0, 0xc0c0, lonew, podreg,"mulu",
0xf1c0, 0xc1c0, lonew, podreg,"muls",
0xf1f0, 0xc100, l1, ptreg, "abcd",
0xf130, 0xc100, l1, pexg, 0,
0xf000, 0xc000, loone, pomode,"and",
0xf1f0, 0xd100, l1, ptreg, "addx.b",
0xf1f0, 0xd140, l1, ptreg, "addx.w",
0xf1f0, 0xd180, l1, ptreg, "addx.l",
0xf000, 0xd000, loone, pomode,"add",
0xf8c0, 0xe0c0, lonew, pmshf, 0,
0xf000, 0xe000, l1, pshf, 0,
char *areg[] = { "%a0", "%a1", "%a2", "%a3", "%a4", "%a5", "%fp", "%sp"};
char *cclist[] = { "hi", "ls", "cc", "cs", "ne", "eq", "vc", "vs",
"pl", "mi", "ge", "lt", "gt", "le"};
char *shtype[] = { "as", "ls", "rox", "ro" };
char *bittyp[] = { "tst", "chg", "clr", "set" };
char *creg[] = { "%sfc", "%dfc", "%usp", "%vbr" };
int swbegflg = 0;
* Length functions.
int l1()
return 1;
int l2()
return 2;
int el1(te)
t_entry *te;
te->t_bchtyp = T_UNBR;
return 1;
int lea(instr, size, pos)
unsigned instr, size;
long pos;
switch ((instr >> 3) & 0x7) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
return 1;
case 5:
case 6:
return 2;
switch (instr & 0x7) {
case 0:
case 2:
case 3:
return 2;
case 1:
mkdref(pos, size);
return 3;
case 4:
if (size > 2)
return 3;
return 2;
return 0;
* Lengths of move instructions.
int lmove(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
register unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
unsigned sz = 1;
int lng, lng2;
lng = tc & 0xf000;
if (lng == 0x3000)
sz = 2;
else if (lng == 0x2000)
sz = 4;
if ((lng = lea(tc, sz, pos+2)) <= 0)
return 0;
lng2 = lea(((tc>>3) & 0x38) | ((tc>>9) & 0x7), sz, pos+lng+lng);
if (lng2 <= 0)
return 0;
return lng + lng2 - 1;
* Lengths for conditional branches and dbcc instructions.
int lcbch(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
long dest = pos + 2;
int res = 2;
if ((tc & 0xf000) == 0x5000 || (tc & 0xff) == 0)
dest += (short)gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD);
else {
dest += (char) tc;
res = 1;
if ( dest < 0x290000 && (dest < mainfile.ef_tbase
|| dest >= mainfile.ef_tbase+mainfile.ef_tsize
|| (dest & 1) != 0 ))
return 0; /* Illegal branch destination */
if ((tc & 0xff00) == 0x6000)
te->t_bchtyp = T_UNBR;
else if ((tc & 0xff00) == 0x6100)
te->t_bchtyp = T_JSR;
te->t_bchtyp = T_CONDBR;
if ( dest < 0x290000 && ((te->t_relsymb = textlab(dest, pos)) == NULL )) {
te->t_bchtyp = T_NOBR;/* Branch to a continuation */
return 0;
return res;
int jj(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
t_entry nextl;
long dest;
te->t_bchtyp = (tc & 0x40)? T_UNBR: T_JSR;
if ((tc & 0x3f) == 0x39) {
gette(&mainfile, pos+2, &nextl);
if (nextl.t_relsymb == NULL) {
dest = gettw(&mainfile, pos + 2, R_LONG );
if ( dest < 0x290000 && (dest < mainfile.ef_tbase
|| dest >= mainfile.ef_tbase+mainfile.ef_tsize
|| (dest & 1) != 0 ))
return 0; /* Illegal branch destination */
if ( dest < 0x290000 && ( nextl.t_relsymb = textlab(dest, pos) ) == NULL )
return 0; /* Branch to a continuation */
putte(&mainfile, pos+2, &nextl);
te->t_relsymb = nextl.t_relsymb; /* Easy ref */
else if ((tc & 0x3f) == 0x3a) {
gette(&mainfile, pos+2, &nextl);
if (nextl.t_relsymb == NULL) {
dest = pos+2+ (int)((short)
gettw(&mainfile, pos + 2, R_WORD ));
if ( dest < 0x290000 && (dest < mainfile.ef_tbase
|| dest >= mainfile.ef_tbase+mainfile.ef_tsize
|| (dest & 1) != 0 ))
return lea(tc, 4, pos+2);
if (dest < 0x290000 &&
(nextl.t_relsymb = textlab(dest, pos)) == NULL)
return 0; /* Branch to a continuation */
putte(&mainfile, pos+2, &nextl);
te->t_relsymb = nextl.t_relsymb; /* Easy ref */
return lea(tc, 4, pos+2);
int limed(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int lng;
* Specifically exclude byte address register operands,
* and ones which have lengths of 3.
if ((tc & 0xf8) == 0x08)
return 0;
if ((tc & 0xc0) >= 0x80) {
if (tc & 0x40)
return 0;
lng = lea(tc, 4, pos+6);
if (lng > 0)
lng += 2;
else {
lng = lea(tc, (unsigned)((tc & 0xc0)?2:1), pos+4);
if (lng > 0)
return lng;
int lsbit(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
int lng = lea(te->t_contents, 1, pos+4);
if (lng > 0)
return lng;
int lmvml(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
int lng = lea(te->t_contents,
(unsigned)(te->t_contents&0x40? 4:2), pos+4);
if (lng > 0)
return lng;
* Length depends on bits 6 and 7 of instruction.
int lone(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
return lea(tc, 1 << ((tc >> 6) & 3), pos+2);
* Length depends on bits 6-8 of instruction.
int loone(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
switch ((tc >> 6) & 7) {
case 0:
case 4:
return lea(tc, 1, pos+2);
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
return lea(tc, 2, pos+2);
case 2:
case 6:
case 7:
return lea(tc, 4, pos+2);
int lonew(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
if (te->t_contents == 0x4afc) { /* swbeg ... */
return (2 + gettw(&mainfile,pos+2,2));
return lea(te->t_contents, 2, pos+2);
int lonel(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
return lea(te->t_contents, 4, pos+2);
* Print routines.
* print out small integers in decamil notation, all others in hex.
void prind(n)
unsigned short n;
if ((short) n > -128 && (short) n < 128)
(void) printf("%d", (long) ((short) n));
(void) printf("0x%x",(unsigned long) n);
int findleng(tc)
unsigned tc;
switch ((tc >> 6) & 3) {
case 0:
return 'b';
case 1:
return 'w';
return 'l';
/* print @(0x4,d0.l) */
void piword(reg,disp)
char * reg;
unsigned disp;
int szc;
(void) printf("%d(%s,", disp & 0xff, reg);
if (disp & 0x8000) {
(void) fputs(areg[(disp >> 12) & 0x7]);
(void) putchar('.');
(void) printf("%%d%d.", (disp >> 12) & 0x7);
(void) putchar((disp & (1 << 10)) ? 'l' :'w');
(void) putchar(')');
extern struct commit abstab;
void paddr(pos)
long pos;
t_entry tent;
symbol symb;
gette(&mainfile, pos, &tent);
if (tent.t_relsymb != NULL) {
symb = tent.t_relsymb;
if (symb->s_lsymb != 0)
(void) printf("L%%%u", symb->s_lsymb);
(void) fputs(symb->s_name, stdout);
if (tent.t_reldisp != 0)
(void) printf("+0x%x", tent.t_reldisp);
if ((pos = gettw(&mainfile, pos, R_LONG)) >= 0x290000)
register int i;
for (i=0; i < abstab.c_int; i++)
if (abstab.c_symb[i]->s_value == pos)
(void) fputs(abstab.c_symb[i]->s_name, stdout);
(void) printf("0x%x", pos);
int prea(ea, pos, sz)
unsigned ea, sz;
long pos; /* Address of previous word to extn */
unsigned reg = ea & 0x7;
long disp;
t_entry tent;
pos += 2;
switch ((ea >> 3) & 0x7) {
case 0:
(void) printf("%%d%d", reg);
return 0;
case 1:
(void) fputs(areg[reg], stdout);
return 0;
case 2:
(void) printf("(%s)", areg[reg]);
return 0;
case 3:
(void) printf("(%s)+", areg[reg]);
return 0;
case 4:
(void) printf("-(%s)", areg[reg]);
return 0;
case 5:
disp = gettw(&mainfile, pos, R_WORD);
(void) prind(disp);
(void) printf("(%s)", areg[reg]);
return 2;
case 6:
piword(areg[reg], (unsigned) gettw(&mainfile, pos, R_WORD));
return 2;
switch (reg) {
case 0:
disp = gettw(&mainfile, pos, R_WORD);
(void) prind(disp);
(void) putchar('.');
(void) putchar('w');
return 2;
case 1:
return 4;
case 2:{
symbol symb;
register int addr;
disp =
((short) gettw(&mainfile, pos, R_WORD));
if ((addr=pos+disp) < 0 ||
addr-mainfile.ef_tbase > mainfile.ef_tsize ||
(addr & 1) != 0)
goto skiplabs;
gette(&mainfile, addr, &tent);
if (tent.t_relsymb != NULL) {
symb = tent.t_relsymb;
else if (tent.t_lab != NULL) {
symb = tent.t_lab;
else {
(void) prind(disp);
(void) fputs("(%pc)", stdout);
return 2;
if (symb->s_lsymb != 0)
(void) printf("L%%%u", symb->s_lsymb);
(void) fputs(symb->s_name, stdout);
if (tent.t_reldisp != 0)
(void) printf("+0x%x", tent.t_reldisp);
return 2;
case 3:
piword("%pc", (unsigned)gettw(&mainfile, pos, R_WORD));
return 2;
case 4:
(void) putchar('&');
if (sz < 4)
(void) prind(gettw(&mainfile, pos, R_WORD));
return sz;
(void) fprintf(stderr, "Funny mode\n");
int pmove(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned sz = 2;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) printf("mov%s\t", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg);
if ((tc & 0xf000) == 0x2000)
sz = 4;
pos += prea(tc, pos, sz);
(void) putchar(',');
(void) prea(((tc >> 9) & 0x7) | ((tc >> 3) & 0x38), pos, sz);
int pcbch(te)
t_entry *te;
int cc = ((te->t_contents >> 8) & 0xf) - 2;
char *msg;
register symbol ts;
if (cc < 0)
msg = cc < -1? "ra": "sr";
msg = cclist[cc];
(void) printf("b%s", msg);
/* this specifically requests that 8 bit addressing be used,
but the unixpc assembler will do this automatically.
if (te->t_lng < 2) {
(void) putchar('.');
(void) putchar('b');
ts = te->t_relsymb;
if (ts->s_lsymb != 0)
(void) printf("\tL%%%u", ts->s_lsymb);
(void) putchar('\t');
(void) fputs(ts->s_name, stdout);
int pdbcc(te)
t_entry *te;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int cc = ((tc >> 8) & 0xf) - 2;
char *msg;
register symbol ts;
if (cc < 0)
msg = cc < -1? "t": "f";
msg = cclist[cc];
ts = te->t_relsymb;
(void) printf("db%s\t%%d%d,", msg, tc & 0x7);
if (ts->s_lsymb)
(void) printf("L%%%u", ts->s_lsymb);
(void) fputs(ts->s_name, stdout);
int pscc(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int cc = ((tc >> 8) & 0xf) - 2;
char *msg;
if (cc < 0)
msg = cc < -1? "t": "f";
msg = cclist[cc];
(void) printf("s%s\t", msg);
(void) prea(tc, pos, 1);
int pcs(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
long disp = gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD);
(void) fputs(optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, stdout);
if ((te->t_contents & 0xc0) == 0){
(void) fputs(".b\t&", stdout);
(void) prind(disp);
(void) fputs(",%cc", stdout);
else {
(void) fputs(".w\t&", stdout);
(void) prind(disp);
(void) fputs(",%sr", stdout);
int pmovc(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
int disp = gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD);
int ctrl = ((disp >> 10) & 2) | (disp & 1);
(void) fputs("movc\t", stdout);
if ((te->t_contents & 1) == 0)
(void) fputs(creg[ctrl], stdout);
if (disp & 0x8000)
(void) fputs(areg[(disp >> 12) & 7], stdout);
(void) putchar(',');
(void) printf("%%d%d,", disp >> 12);
if (te->t_contents & 1)
(void) fputs(creg[ctrl], stdout);
int pimed(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
int sz = findleng(te->t_contents);
/* we need to swith the operands to compare instrucions. */
if (strcmp (optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, "cmp")) {
(void) printf("%s.%c\t&", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, sz);
if (sz == 'l') {
(void) putchar(',');
(void) prea(te->t_contents, pos+4, 4);
else {
(void) prind(gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD));
(void) putchar(',');
(void) prea(te->t_contents, pos+2, 2);
else {
(void) printf("%s.%c\t", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, sz);
if (sz == 'l') {
(void) prea(te->t_contents, pos+4, 4);
(void) putchar(',');
(void) putchar('&');
else {
(void) prea(te->t_contents, pos+2, 2);
(void) putchar(',');
(void) putchar('&');
(void) prind(gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD));
int pmovp(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
long disp = gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD);
int dreg = tc >> 9;
char *ar = areg[tc & 0x7];
(void) fputs("movp.", stdout);
if (tc & (1 << 6))
(void) putchar('l');
(void) putchar('w');
if (tc & (1 << 7)) {
(void) printf("\t%%d%d,", dreg);
(void) prind(disp);
(void) printf("(%s)", ar);
else {
(void) putchar('\t');
(void) prind(disp);
(void) printf("(%s),%%d%d", ar, dreg);
int psbit(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) printf("b%s\t&%d,", bittyp[(tc >> 6) & 0x3], gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD));
(void) prea(tc, pos+2, 1);
int pstop(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
(void) printf("stop\t&0x%x", gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD));
int pdbit(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) printf("b%s\t%%d%d,", bittyp[(tc >> 6) & 0x3], (tc >> 9) & 0x7);
(void) prea(tc, pos, 1);
int pcs2(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) fputs("movw\t", stdout);
if ((tc & 0xffc0) == 0x40c0) {
(void) fputs("%sr,", stdout);
(void) prea(tc, pos, 2);
else {
(void) prea(tc, pos, 2);
(void) putchar(',');
(void) fputs(optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, stdout);
int pone(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int sz = findleng(tc);
(void) printf("%s.%c\t", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, sz);
(void) prea(tc, pos, (unsigned)(sz == 'l'? 4: 2));
int ppea(te, pos) /* nbcd, pea, tas, jmp, jsr */
t_entry *te;
long pos;
if (! strncmp(optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, "tas") &&
(te->t_contents & 0x3f) == 0x3c) {
symbol symb;
t_entry tstr;
int counter = te->t_lng -2;
int offset = (pos += 4);
int dest;
char * sw_label;
(void) printf("swbeg\t&%d\n", counter);
symb = textlab(pos, pos);
printf("%s:\n", sw_label = symb->s_name);
while (counter--) {
gette(&mainfile, pos, &tstr);
dest = tstr.t_contents + offset;
if (tstr.t_contents > 0 &&
dest < 0x290000 &&
! (dest < mainfile.ef_tbase
|| dest >= mainfile.ef_tbase+mainfile.ef_tsize
|| (dest & 1) != 0 )) {
if (symb = textlab(dest,offset))
printf("\tshort\t0x%x\t# Can't label destination.\n",
printf("\tshort\t0x%x\t# Illegal address\n",
pos += 2;
else {
(void) fputs(optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, stdout);
(void) putchar('\t');
(void) prea(te->t_contents, pos, (unsigned)(te->t_lng>2?4:2));
int plea(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
(void) fputs("lea\t", stdout);
(void) prea(te->t_contents, pos, 4);
(void) putchar(',');
(void) fputs(areg[(te->t_contents >> 9) & 0x7], stdout);
int pdreg(te)
t_entry *te;
(void) printf("%s\t%%d%d", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, te->t_contents & 7);
int pmvml(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
register unsigned dw = gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD);
unsigned sz = 4;
int sc = 'l';
register int i;
register unsigned bit;
(void) fputs("movm.", stdout);
if ((tc & 0x40) == 0) {
sc = 'w';
sz = 2;
(void) putchar(sc);
(void) putchar('\t');
if (tc & 0x400) {
(void) prea(tc, pos+2, sz);
(void) printf(",&0x%x", dw);
else {
(void) printf("&0x%x,", dw);
(void) prea(tc, pos+2, sz);
(void) printf("\t#\t");
if ((tc & 0x38) == 0x20) {
bit = 0x8000;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (dw & bit)
(void) printf(" %%d%d", i);
bit >>= 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (dw & bit) {
(void) putchar(' ');
(void) fputs(areg[i], stdout);
bit >>= 1;
else {
bit = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (dw & bit)
(void) printf(" %%d%d", i);
bit <<= 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (dw & bit) {
(void) putchar(' ');
(void) fputs(areg[i], stdout);
bit <<= 1;
int ptrap(te)
t_entry *te;
(void) printf("trap\t&%d", te->t_contents & 0xf);
int plink(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
(void) printf("link\t%s,&%d", areg[te->t_contents & 0x7],
gettw(&mainfile, pos+2, R_WORD));
int pareg(te)
t_entry *te;
(void) printf(optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, areg[te->t_contents & 0x7]);
int podreg(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) printf("%s\t", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg);
(void) prea(tc, pos, 2);
(void) printf(",%%d%d", (tc >> 9) & 0x7);
int pqu(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int sz = findleng(tc);
int amt = (tc >> 9) & 0x7;
if (amt == 0)
amt = 8;
(void) printf("%s.%c\t&%d,", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, sz, amt);
(void) prea(tc, pos, (unsigned)(sz == 'l'? 4: 2));
int pmqu(te)
t_entry *te;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) printf("mov.l\t&%d,%%d%d", (char)tc, (tc >> 9) & 0x7);
int ptreg(te)
t_entry *te;
register unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int rx = (tc >> 9) & 0x7;
int ry = tc & 0x7;
(void) fputs(optab[te->t_iindex].prarg, stdout);
(void) putchar('\t');
if (tc & 0x8)
(void) printf("-(%s),-(%s)", areg[ry], areg[rx]);
(void) printf("%%d%d,%%d%d", ry, rx);
int pcmpm(te)
t_entry *te;
register unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) printf("%s\t(%s)+,(%s)+", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg,
areg[tc & 7], areg[(tc >> 9) & 7]);
int pomode(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
char buf[5];
int sz;
int reg = (tc >> 9) & 7;
buf[0] = '\0';
switch ((tc >> 6) & 7) {
case 0:
sz = 'b';
goto toreg;
case 1:
sz = 'w';
goto toreg;
case 2:
sz = 'l';
(void) sprintf(buf, "%%d%d", reg);
goto printaft;
case 3:
sz = 'w';
goto toareg;
case 7:
sz = 'l';
(void) sprintf(buf, "%s", areg[reg]);
if (strcmp("cmp", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg)) {
(void) printf("%s.%c\t", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg,sz);
(void) prea(tc, pos, (unsigned)(sz == 'l'? 4: 2));
(void) putchar(',');
(void) fputs(buf, stdout);
else {
(void) printf("%s.%c\t%s,", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg,
sz, buf);
(void) prea(tc, pos, (unsigned)(sz == 'l'? 4: 2));
case 4:
sz = 'b';
goto frreg;
case 5:
sz = 'w';
goto frreg;
case 6:
sz = 'l';
(void) sprintf(buf, "%%d%d", reg);
if (strcmp("cmp", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg)) {
(void) printf("%s.%c\t%s,", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg,
sz, buf);
(void) prea(tc, pos, (unsigned)(sz == 'l'? 4: 2));
else {
(void) printf("%s.%c\t", optab[te->t_iindex].prarg,sz);
(void) prea(tc, pos, (unsigned)(sz == 'l'? 4: 2));
(void) putchar(',');
(void) fputs(buf, stdout);
int pexg(te)
t_entry *te;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int r1 = (tc >> 9) & 7, r2 = tc & 7;
(void) printf("exg\t");
if ((tc & 0x00f8) == 0x0048)
(void) fputs(areg[r1], stdout);
(void) putchar(',');
(void) printf("%%d%d,", r1);
if (tc & 0x8)
(void) fputs(areg[r2], stdout);
(void) printf("%%d%d", r2);
int pmshf(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
(void) printf("%s%c.w\t", shtype[(tc >> 9) & 3], tc & 0x100? 'l': 'r');
(void) prea(tc, pos, 2);
int pshf(te)
t_entry *te;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int sz = findleng(tc);
int disp = (tc >> 9) & 7;
(void) printf("%s%c.%c\t", shtype[(tc >> 3) & 3], tc & 0x100? 'l': 'r', sz);
if (tc & 0x20)
(void) printf("%%d%d", disp);
(void) printf("&%d", disp == 0? 8: disp);
(void) printf(",%%d%d", tc & 7);
* Find length etc of instruction.
int findinst(te, pos)
register t_entry *te;
long pos;
register struct opstr *op;
unsigned tc = te->t_contents;
int lng = 0;
register int i;
te->t_type = T_BEGIN;
te->t_bchtyp = T_NOBR;
for (op = &optab[0]; op->mask; op++) {
if ((tc & op->mask) == op->match) {
te->t_iindex = op - optab;
lng = (op->opsize)(te, pos);
for (i = 1; i < lng; i++) {
t_entry ctent;
long npos = pos+i+i;
if (npos >= endt)
goto clearem;
gette(&mainfile, npos, &ctent);
if (swbegflg) {
ctent.t_type = T_UNKNOWN;
putte(&mainfile, npos, &ctent);
else {
if (ctent.t_bdest || ctent.t_dref) {
clearem: for (i--; i > 0; i--) {
npos = pos + i + i;
gette(&mainfile, npos, &ctent);
ctent.t_type = T_UNKNOWN;
putte(&mainfile, npos, &ctent);
lng = 0;
goto ginv;
ctent.t_type = T_CONT;
putte(&mainfile, npos, &ctent);
swbegflg = 0;
if (lng <= 0) {
ginv: te->t_vins = 0;
te->t_lng = 1;
te->t_type = T_UNKNOWN;
te->t_bchtyp = T_NOBR;
te->t_lng = lng;
return lng;
* Print instruction.
void prinst(te, pos)
t_entry *te;
long pos;
(optab[te->t_iindex].opprin)(te, pos);